SpeedTree Modeler 8.4.2 Cinema Edition (x64)



x64 | File Size: 388 MB
SpeedTree a software super famous and powerful for simulationPlants and trees animation, movies and games is very functional and high. Your loved ones using this software, users will be able to all trees, shrubs and other plants to make games, movies or animations you need to be very professional and easy to use design and simulation.

Application speed more, this feature gives you when you simulate the trees and plants, you can design them differently to make all your plans are similar and different. It should be noted that the game makers Destiny 2, the makers of the movie Avatar, harry potter have used this software to design their own trees. The software has a large library tree is new version of the library is larger and developed.

Features and software SpeedTree:
-Simulation and advanced design is very simple and trees, plants and shrubs
-Ability to simulate the different and diverse design for the lack of similarity between the trees and plants designed
-Library outgrow tree
-Can be used in engines such as Unity game, Nrl engine and

System Requirements:
RAM:8GB Ram,
Space:500MB HD,
SM 3.0 capable graphics card.Whats New:
SpeedTree Modeler 8.4.2 Release Notes:

New Features
Updated/Improved import scripts

The scripts for the following DCC application and renderer combinations have been updated and/or added in this release:
-Blender: Cycles
-Max: Standard, V-Ray, Redshift
-Houdini: Principled, Mantra, V-Ray, Renderman, Redshift
-Maya: Standard, Arnold, V-Ray, Renderman, Redshift

Expanded Mesh LODs
-It is now possible to have more than three mesh LODs by chaining mesh assets together. Models with more than three LOD states will use these extra meshes when computing LOD states.
Auto-loading mesh LODs
-When a mesh asset is loaded and other meshes named similarly with a number convention are found in the same location, those meshes will be loaded and assigned as LOD meshes for the asset automatically.

Games SDK Wind Wizard
-The Wind Wizard now works in conjunction with the SDK wind algorithm.

Bug Fixes

Palm style wind for Unity/UE4
-Legacy models exported with this wind style no longer push the palm fronds straight up. In addition, the Modeler no longer displays leaf motion for this wind preset.

Welding through targets
-The weld region on branches welded to meshes via "Target" generators were not getting the correct material assignment on export. This bug has been corrected.

Missing leaves with Houdini/Alembic
-Alembic models imported into Houdini for use with the Principled renderer now show leaves as expected.

Branches converted to hand-drawn not saving correctly
-Procedural branches converted to hand-drawn branches and then saved would often not load correctly. This bug has been fixed which means that all subsequent saves will work and not look different when the file is loaded; however, the original data is lost so the branches may need to be edited back into position.

CPU wind computation on Linux
-A bug has been fixed that could result in errant wind computation in Linux releases.

Seasons slider enabled for Unity builds
-Recent releases have had this feature disabled, it is available to Unity users as of this release.

Frond count in legacy generators
-This property (part of the legacy "Spine" generator) works as expected as of this release.

Knot normal errors
-A value of zero for the "Knot" generator property "Inner:Size %" could result in vertex normal and rendering errors at the center of the knot. This bug has been corrected and zero is a valid value.

Growth vs. collections
-Models that utilize collections are currently not able to have animated growth. Users are now notified of this fact if the two features are both in use on the same model (growth becomes disabled).
"Mesh" generators changing orientation when clicked
-A bug has been fixed that cause "Mesh" objects to change their orientation each time they are clicked when the transform gizmo is active. Only objects with procedural rotations were affected.



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